My favorite moment

The Best Moments of November: 

 It was a usual day in After School. 

I was struggling with a problem that we have during After School- sometimes there are difficulties interacting with other friends, especially between American kids and Japanese kids...

As they grow up, they become more independent and choose to be as comfortable as possible. 

To tell you the truth, I didn't know what I could to do to make YBS After School a happy, fairy tale-like environment like we envision...but in that moment, I realized that my concern was not that big of a problem at all. 

 An American girl and a Japanese girl suddenly started giggling together, holding together. I couldn't help but asking them, “What happened? Why are you two laughing?” 

They replied, “ Because we have a same hair style! We are same!” 

 When I saw their smiles together, I felt so relieved. Children can become close over the smallest reasons, even if they can’t communicate well through words. YBS has created a lot of friendships no matter the language barrier and will hopefully continue to do so! 

 This heart warming moment was my favorite of November.

Make a difference!

言葉が通じないからといって、諦めたくない! 言葉が通じないなら、通じるようにしちゃえばいい! 言葉を超えた本音のコミュニケーションができる街へ。 2万人以上の外国人が住む横須賀で、英語が話せる街YOKOSUKAを創り、日米の架け橋になる仕事を通し社会にMake a differenceを巻き起こす。それが、私たちの夢であり、未来への挑戦です。 英語と教育を通じて、世界を変える。


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